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Employer Partners

Employer Spotlight: Eclipx Group

To find out more about what it’s like to work flexibly at Eclipx, we interviewed Deborah, a Finance Manager for the Group.

Employer Partners

Employer branding in times of crisis

Your employer brand has always been paramount to ensure that your organisation can positively influence decisions the people make about you.


Horses For Courses – My Return to Work Story

Is there a perfect recipe for success or do we just need to follow our hearts and give it a go? FlexCareers community member Betsy shares her Return...


Big economic boost from more women leaders

Getting more women into leadership roles could boost the economy by almost $900 million, according to new research commissioned by FlexCareers...


Three Steps to End 2017 on a High

Three steps to end 2017 on a high and ring in 2018 with clarity, focus and enthusiasm. Read Debra's 3 C's plan to help get you there.