Going part time doesn’t have to mean going backwards
Adele was determined to find a role that would give her the flexibility she needed to be a mum whilst advancing her career. Here's how she found it.
Adele was determined to find a role that would give her the flexibility she needed to be a mum whilst advancing her career. Here's how she found it.
Enough is enough - let's make 2017 the year that pregnant women stop getting fired! FlexCareers Chairwoman Rhonda Brighton-Halls open letter to...
As FlexCommunity member Amy shares, promoting gender equality should be less about implementing strategies to directly enable women to take on more...
Take a minute to get to know Carol Erkes, a founding FlexCoach.
Take a minute to get to know Vanessa Panayi, a founding FlexCoach.
Take a minute to get to know Pam Dell, a founding FlexCoach.
Take a minute to get to know Kate Wilkie, a specialist in Positive Psychology and Return to Work, helping women to to increase resilience to stress...
The career path of a Mum seems often to be a scenic trail rather than a clearly signposted highway....
It's time to put a stake in the ground to say once and for all what coaching is, and what it isn't
Use this workbook to guide you through a logical thought process to prepare a sound Flexible Work Arrangement Success Plan. The activities will help...
Talent Acquisition leaders gathered at our final FlexConnect session to answer questions from our community about the recruitment process. Here's...
Often the last thing on your mind when you go on leave is returning to work and least of all networking. However, effectively managing your career...