The latest HR insights, job seeker resources and employer partner announcements from FlexCareers

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Health Check: can stress during pregnancy harm my baby?

Women are vigilant about avoiding alcohol and smoking during pregnancy, but what about stress? Most pregnant women are aware of the advice to quit...

Career Tips

5 quick questions to boost your wellbeing

Do you often pause at the words “delicious 4 ingredient recipe” or “healthy and quick meal”? I love the idea that we can do something that’s good for...


FlexCareers welcomes ANZ New Zealand

Workplace flexibility is a critical component of ANZ New Zealand’s diversity strategy and just one of the reasons they have partnered with...

From our Coaches

Getting to know FlexCoach Karen Lewitton

FlexCareers is passionate about supporting our employer partners and our community to be the best that they can be. We offer a range of training and...