Women and Work (4)

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Diversity & Inclusion

Enough with the negativity already!

FlexCareers Co-Founder Joel McInnes on having a more optimistic view on the changing world of work.

Career Tips

Confidence is a Game Changer

Confidence is a game changer when you are looking for jobs. It can make a difference in how you feel and what actions you choose to take.

Diversity & Inclusion

Eliminating Everyday Sexism

In a media release today, MCC have announced 100+ chiefs of Australia’s largest and influential organisations have committed to eliminating everyday...

Diversity & Inclusion

Why I marched for marriage equality

The biggest topic at the moment in Australia (which even drowned out the constitutional crises) is that of passing an act that would legalise...

Diversity & Inclusion

Women In Super campaign to #MakeSuperFair

For some of us, retirement may seem like a lifetime away – it isn’t. Years melt away in the blink of an eye, and if that eye isn’t on focussed on...

Diversity & Inclusion

Women and careers: a story of choice

Erica Hardinge, Head of Security Enablement at ANZ, tackles some of the difficult questions on balancing parenting with a careers, "mummy guilt" and...


The pregnant pause: are attitudes changing at work?

Janet Yellen, the US Federal Reserve chair, recently gave a profound (and long) speech about women’s participation in the economy. She included a...

Diversity & Inclusion

Teaching little girls to lead

By the age of two, most children use gender pronouns in their speech and proactively identify people as men and women. And by the time they turn...