Diversity & Inclusion (7)

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Diversity & Inclusion

Superstars to smash science gender stereotypes

30 female scientists and technologists have been named by Science and Technology Australia as the first Superstars of STEM – ready to smash...

Diversity & Inclusion

Why working mum is a dirty word (or two)

Working Mum is a catchy title, it tells you how it is, it's a badge of honour, but does it do more harm than good for you in business?

Diversity & Inclusion

Top tax tips for working parents

With tax time just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about what you are entitled to claim for your tax deductions. As busy working...

Diversity & Inclusion

Dear CEOs – Stop Firing Pregnant Women

Enough is enough - let's make 2017 the year that pregnant women stop getting fired! FlexCareers Chairwoman Rhonda Brighton-Halls open letter to...