Career Tips

Refreshing Your Resume

Tips for Returning to Work After a Career Break

Stepping back into the workforce after a career break is an exciting journey! Whether you've taken time off to raise a family, explore new passions, or simply recharge, updating your resume is the first step toward landing that next great role. Here’s how to showcase your unique experiences and get your resume ready for action.

Shine a Light on Your Skills and Wins

You’ve got skills—let’s show them off! Think about the talents and accomplishments that make you a standout candidate. Even if you weren’t in a traditional job during your break, you likely picked up skills that employers value. Whether you were managing a household budget, organising community events, or staying on top of the latest digital tools, these are all worth highlighting.

Choose the Right Resume Style

A functional or hybrid resume format might be your new best friend. Instead of focusing on dates and job titles, these formats let you lead with your skills and successes. This way, you’re putting your best foot forward without the worry of explaining gaps right off the bat.

Be Honest About Your Career Break

It’s okay to have taken a break! Whether you mention it briefly in your resume summary or cover letter, focus on what you gained during this time—like newfound clarity, additional skills, or a fresh perspective. Employers appreciate transparency and a positive attitude toward life’s ebbs and flows.

Show Off Any New Learning

Did you take any courses, earn certifications, or dive into a new hobby that’s relevant to your field? Make sure these are front and centre on your resume. It shows that you’ve been proactive about staying sharp and learning new things, even while away from the traditional workplace.

Include Volunteer Work and Side Projects

Don’t forget to include any volunteer work, freelance gigs, or personal projects you took on during your break. These experiences can demonstrate your skills, commitment, and ability to juggle multiple responsibilities—qualities every employer loves.

Refresh Your Professional Summary

Your professional summary is a great place to highlight your recent experiences and what you’re looking for next. This is your chance to tell a story about your career journey, emphasising how your break has prepared you for the next exciting chapter.

Tailor Your Resume for Each Job

One size doesn’t fit all! Adjust your resume for each job you’re applying to. Use the keywords from the job description and make sure your resume speaks directly to what that employer is looking for. It’s a little extra work, but it makes a big difference.

Consider Getting Some Help

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. A professional resume writer or career coach can offer tips and tricks to help your resume shine. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes is all you need to see your experience in a new light.

Get Ready to Chat About Your Break

When it’s time for interviews, be prepared to discuss your career break confidently. Frame it as a time of growth, learning, or taking care of important priorities. Employers will appreciate your honesty and the way you’ve used this time to become even more ready to jump back in.

Keep It Simple and Sweet

Finally, keep your resume concise and focused. Stick to the highlights—no need to include everything. Aim for a resume that’s clear, easy to read, and no longer than two pages. Remember, your goal is to make it easy for employers to see why you’re the perfect fit.

Rejoining the workforce after a break is a brave and exciting step, and your resume is your ticket to showcasing the value you bring. With these tips, you’ll be ready to put your best foot forward and find that next amazing opportunity. Welcome back—we’re cheering you on!

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