When we design for diversity, we are more likely to obtain the benefits of a diverse workforce. This approach can help to overcome some of the systemic barriers that women and other underrepresented groups may face in the recruitment process. The goal? Recruitment activities that lead to more diverse and innovative teams, rich with different perspectives and experiences to bring to the table*. Ultimately, companies can improve their talent pool, foster a more inclusive culture, and increase their chances of long-term success. Some benefits may include:
Writing for Diversity
The way we write job advertisements plays a crucial role in our ability to attract diverse candidates. A simple tool is to put on your ‘diversity lens’ before you start crafting the job ad in question. Usually, a quick google of similar job types might start you off with a few ideas on how you will construct the job ad however be aware that there are nuances between how male and female brains respond to the language we use. To make your ad resonate, there are some fixes you can experiment with immediately to change up your approach. Firstly, think about the language you are choosing and to use gender-neutral language, but also to avoid gender-coded language.
An example of coded language that might hold women back from clicking the apply button is the difference between agentic and communal language. When writing for a recruitment drive targeting female applicants, think more ‘communal’ for example using words such as ‘interpersonal’ and ‘understand’ rather than agentic words for example ‘dominant’ and ‘competitive’.
Here's a real example:
“We’ll support you with the tools and resources you need to reach new milestones, as you help our customers reach theirs.” (communal)
Rather than
“Tell us your story. Don’t go unnoticed. Explain why you’re a winning candidate.” (agentic)
Which one appeals more to you?**
Back up your Message
Back up your narrative with visuals to reinforce your message. When choosing imagery ensure you feature inclusive visuals. The goal is to attract diverse candidates by creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that encourages candidates from all backgrounds to apply!
Don’t be Exhaustive - it’s Exhausting
The research goes on to confirm that women are less likely to apply for jobs (and promotions) than men+ even though they tend to do the same amount of job seeking. Remember, your job ad doesn’t have to include every single ‘desirable’ that could be expected for a job role. This tends to make it appear that you are looking for a unicorn.
A simple tip is to think about ‘objectives’ over ‘requirements’. Ultimately, these are the accomplishments that the candidate will be expected to achieve in the role. There are so many transferable skills that may qualify a candidate to achieve the same objectives.
Walk the Walk, Proudly!
Your inclusive approach signals to potential candidates that your company values diversity and is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive work environment. Shout your commitment to flexibility off the rooftops! Seeing the tick of our FlexReady Certification might just be the thing that gets you over the line. Applying for a job can feel like a full time job when you have the to do list as long as your arm. Knowing the company who you are applying to has achieved a high standard of flexibility with Flex Ready Certification can put the potential candidate at ease, giving you a competitive advantage. |
We are Flexible, so let’s make Adjustments.
As a company tackling diversity, you need to look internally and ensure you are tracking the goals that you are setting. Look at the women in leadership roles — are you where you want to be? If not, get clear on what that looks like. Is it a figure that represents X% of women in senior leadership roles by X time? Whatever your organisational goals are get clear and be transparent about it. What else do you have to do? Assess interview panels, do you have female leaders interviewing your candidate pool, not as a token female, but as an expert in her field? Can you adjust interview times and settings to make it fair for all within the talent pool? Are you asking for your candidates to request their adjustments? Be bold in your recruitment campaigns and emphasise your company’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and the flexibility options you can offer - you will reap the results.
Progress not Perfection.
By carefully crafting recruitment campaigns with diversity in mind, you can appeal to a wider range of candidates and increase your chances of hiring talented individuals from diverse backgrounds. Simple steps such as featuring diverse imagery, choosing gender neutral language and avoiding gender coded language signifies to potential candidates that your company values diversity and is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive work environment. Diversity doesn’t have to be about perfection, it’s about progression, and we are here to support you on that journey. If you are looking to access our diversity and inclusion solutions for your organisation, we are committed to the cause.
* Kunc, N. (2020). Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ninakuncevic/2020/02/03/why-diverse-teams-are-more-innovative/?sh=71e7b28d10e2
** Ro, C. (2021). BBC. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210730-the-coded-language-that-holds-women-back-at-work
+ Workplace Gender Equality Agency . (2021). https://www.wgea.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-11/2021-gender-equity-insights-report.pdf