We recently welcomed Eclipx Group as a FlexReady Endorsed Business, which means that they’re open to having conversations about flexibility with current and future employees.
To find out more about what it’s like to work at Eclipx, we interviewed Deborah, a Finance Manager for the Group. Learn more about what she does and the positive impact that working flexibly has on her:
Tell us about Eclipx, and what you do:
Eclipx Group is an ASX listed established leader in vehicle fleet leasing, fleet management and diversified financial services across Australia and New Zealand and offers consumers, businesses, and governments access to a range of solutions.
I am part of FP&A team overseeing the Group’s operating expenses. My main responsibility is to keep track of the Group’s spending to ensure that we’re keeping on track, and to identify any saving opportunities.
Why is Eclipx Group committed to flexible work?
Eclipx cares about people and especially their employees’ essential needs. Our CARE value (Collaboration, Accountability, Reimagine, Excellence) bring people to the centre of our Group, with a shared purpose; we are thinking big and doing things right for the long term.
What does flexible work look like at your business & with your people?
Eclipx aims to facilitate flexible working arrangements where possible to support everyone in achieving their career and personal goals. Because we recognise that working flexibly means different things to different people, flexible working exists in many forms, and we encourage all employees to discuss what flexibility might look like for themselves.
Eclipx also provides range of benefits and initiatives to enhance personal health (well-being) and career progression (buddy and mentoring programme), with compatible technology infrastructure empowering every employee to become their best possible self – both at work and at home.
How is flexible work good for your business and people? What difference does it make?
Building trust amongst every decision made and valuing every opinion is the foundation for flexible work arrangements. The successful roll out of flexible work programmes creates fit to purpose and a fulfilling work environment.
What advice would you give other small businesses considering implementing flexible work for their team?
With the right infrastructure, flexible work is rewarding for both employer and employee in the long run.
Please share how working flexibly has positively impacted your own life
- Getting to work in a team that’s complementary and caring, and can have a few laughs together, makes my job enjoyable
- It means I can always be there for my children when they need me
- Giving me the opportunity to broaden my experience
- Eclipx is a highly empowering place to be. Particularly through the range of experiences you can have and share in
We want to thank Deborah for taking the time to answer our questions. If you want to learn more about Eclipx Group and see what jobs they have available, you can do so by clicking here.