FlexCareers Resources

Reboot Your Confidence Series – Blog n#2 ‘Face your fears: moving from dissatisfaction to action’

Written by Kate Wilkie | 2018/04/117


Face your Fears – and make real progress towards your work dreams

Imagine it’s a hot summer day and you’re at the beach.  The water looks so good, you definitely want a swim. But, as you start walking into the surf the cold hits your belly and you stop dead – you know the feeling!

Returning to work or changing jobs or careers can feel the same.  You know you want to be in a fulfilling role that satisfies your career dreams AND works with the rest of your life. But getting there often means braving some cold water.

Do you want fulfilling work that satisfies your career goals AND works with the rest of your life?

Where to start?

When we want to make change in our lives it’s our own thoughts that are often the biggest roadblock.  We think and think about what we want, but our fears stop us taking even a small action.  You need a way to deal with the unhelpful thoughts and move forward day by day. We suggest giving these 3 steps a try.

  1. Recognise your fears

    What exactly are the thoughts that make your freeze? Are you:

  • Worried you’ve lagged in your skills?
  • Concerned you won’t be able to compete in the job market?
  • Feeling you’ve lost confidence?
  • Wondering how on earth you’ll juggle everything?

It’s uncomfortable to dig around in your thoughts and feelings but once you’ve identified the unhelpful thoughts that are spiralling around and around you can start dealing with them.

  1. Reality check

    Once you’ve identified what’s freaking you out the next step is to bravely take a clear look at your fears.

    Are they real?

    For example, if you worry that your skills are out of date you might test this by reading relevant job ads and descriptions online. Maybe you have a friend with a similar background to you who could help you realistically assess your skills and give you some industry insights.  You’re looking for clarity with this step so if there are skills you need to refresh or learn you can devise a plan.

  2. Take a small step forward

    Now that you know your real position, you can start to practically move forward.  This isn’t about diving headfirst into the deep – it’s about working out the first step in a plan that will help you achieve a broader goal.  What is ONE thing you can do this week that will move you forward and you can feel proud of? You’ll be amazed at how good it feels to take a small action and it makes the next step so much easier!

What’s ONE thing you can do this week to move you forward?

As you work towards your dreams, keep these steps in mind. New fears will inevitably pop into your head needing to be dealt with. Now you’ve got a strategy!

If you’d like help to face your fears and do work that lights you up, get in touch. We’re here to help you.

Best wishes for now

Kate and Debra – Flourishing Mothers

About Debra and Kate

FlexCoaches Debra Close and Kate Wilkie are specialists in Positive Psychology coaching for mums. Whether you are at home raising a family or are balancing a career with family commitments, Debra and Kate can help you to solve challenges you struggle with and answer life’s big questions.

FlexCareers offers a free 30-minute introductory meeting with our FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you.  You can contact Debra Close and Kate Wilkie through FlexCareers here, and you can find out more about their practice, Flourishing Mothers, here.
