FlexCareers Resources

Get your mojo back and find your work tribe

Written by Kate Wilkie | 2017/05/137

Mums: want to get your mojo back and find your true work tribe? Here’s how.

Being coaches who specialise in mothers, we work hard to respond to your challenges and concerns, and we help you incorporate the elements of wellbeing so vital for healthy mental functioning and a flourishing life. We help you be more resilient. We help you rediscover your mojo. To find your work tribe.

In our work with mums, we hear so many different challenges and individual concerns. These are three key themes we hear often. Do any of these sound like you?

  • 1. You’re unhappy in the job you’re doing. You know you’ve not been loving your job for some time now. It doesn’t feel right and doesn’t work in the context of your family. You’d rather be doing something else and be somewhere else….with your true work tribe.
  • 2. You’re stressed out trying to juggle work and home responsibilities. Your life feels chaotic and out of balance and you’re not feeling like you’re doing a great job at either thing. You’re feeling quite miserable. You’ve lost your mojo.
  • 3. You’ve decided you want to move in a whole new job or career direction, or to start working again if you’ve been away from the workforce bringing up children. You don’t know where to start. You’re paralysed with indecision. You’re overwhelmed by the options.

What to do? Get help with the big picture.

Most of us will tend to start by getting straight into implementation mode; looking around job sites, talking to friends or former colleagues for possible job openings, writing our resumes, updating our LinkedIn profiles. But it can feel rather like we’re shooting in the dark at a target we cannot see. Or being stuck in an impossible bewildering maze.

You see, starting with the specific questions, like “what job should I apply for?”, cannot be answered until you know the answer to the big questions. “What’s most important to me?” “What’s my purpose?” “What skills or talents when I use them, make my heart sing?” “Where and when do I find joy in my life?” Unless we know ourselves deeply, these big questions often can’t be simply answered. And, if you don’t know who you are, how you can figure out what you want?

Herein lies the emphasis of the work that we do with many of our coaching clients. We get you to know yourselves, inside-out.We help you with a process, collaboration and support to answer these big
questions. Once you do this, the specific questions then become pretty simple. But it’s not just figuring out what you want and why. Our coaching helps you understand and appreciate your strengths and capacities, because we know that when you use these at work, you will love your job.

And then what?

Coaching though, is far from just naval-gazing. It’s about active planning. Plotting a path towards your goals. Looking at solutions. Taking action. In our practice, we take a Positive Psychology approach.
This means helping you use your talents and strengths to function most effectively in pursuing your goals, flourishing in life and exceling at work. Our real-world practical strategies and tips are drawn from the pool of scientific studies investigating the impact of Positive Psychology and evidence-based coaching. That means they’ve worked for many others and they’ll work for you too.

DIY or call in the cavalry?

Our joy is to see mothers flourish at work and in life, so if this article helps you move to the next stage in your journey, that’s wonderful! However, in our experience, not everyone can make bold forward steps alone, commit to action, be resolute in making decisions. If you struggle with finding motivation to make change, with figuring all this stuff out on your own, and would love a professional to guide you through a process, then coaching may be for you.

Think of it as the ultimate investment in yourself. A plan for your life.

Mums hold up half the sky. We owe it to ourselves to reach for the stars.

About Kate and Debra

FlexCoaches Debra Close and Kate Wilkie are specialists in Positive Psychology coaching for mums. Whether you are at home raising a family, or are balancing a career with family commitments, Debra and Kate can help you to solve challenges you struggle with and answer life’s big questions.

FlexCareers offers a free 30-minute introductory meeting with our FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you.  You can contact Debra Close and Kate Wilkie through FlexCareers hereand you can find out more about their practice, Flourishing Mothers, here.
