FlexCareers Resources

Supporting Women Through Menopause

Written by FlexCareers | 2024/09/263

The recent Senate inquiry into menopause highlights the critical need for flexible work arrangements to support women experiencing this significant life stage. As we reflect on these findings, it’s clear that remote work can play a vital role in creating a more accommodating and supportive environment for women going through menopause.

The Challenges of Menopause in the Workplace

Menopause can bring about a range of symptoms—such as hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings, and sleep disturbances—that can significantly impact a woman's comfort and productivity at work. Traditional office settings can sometimes exacerbate these challenges, making it difficult for women to manage their symptoms effectively.

Emma, a FlexCareers community member said, “working through perimenopause has been challenging, but having the flexibility to work from home has made all the difference. It’s allowed me to manage my symptoms more effectively and maintain a good work-life balance. The support from my employer has been invaluable, and it’s great to work for a company that understands and accommodates these needs.” 

The Benefits of Working from Home

Flexible work arrangements, particularly the option to work from home, offer several advantages for women experiencing menopause:

  1. Customised Comfort: Women can tailor their home environment to better manage symptoms, such as adjusting the temperature or taking frequent breaks to alleviate discomfort.

  2. Reduced Stress: Eliminating the commute and office distractions helps lower stress levels, which can otherwise intensify menopausal symptoms.

  3. Adaptable Scheduling: The ability to set flexible work hours enables women to work during their most productive times and adjust their schedules based on fluctuating energy levels and health needs.

The Broader Benefits of Hiring Older Employees

In addition to supporting women through menopause, remote work and flexible arrangements offer valuable benefits for older employees, who often bring a wealth of experience and stability to the workplace:

  1. Experience and Expertise: Older employees possess extensive knowledge and skills acquired over years in the industry. Their insights and problem-solving abilities can greatly benefit organisations.

  2. Reliability and Loyalty: Older workers are often known for their reliability and dedication, contributing to a more stable and committed workforce.

  3. Mentorship: They can serve as mentors to younger colleagues, fostering a collaborative and knowledge-sharing environment within the company.

Beyond Childcare: The Diverse Need for Flexible Work

While childcare is a common reason for seeking flexible work arrangements, it’s essential to recognise that employees have a wide range of needs that make remote work beneficial:

  • Health Conditions: Managing chronic illnesses, disabilities, or other health issues can be more manageable with flexible work options.

  • Caregiving Responsibilities: Many employees care for family members, such as ageing parents, and need the flexibility to balance these responsibilities with their work commitments.

  • Personal Well-being: Flexibility allows employees to achieve a better work-life balance, enhancing overall job satisfaction and productivity.

Flexibility Supports Employees

The push for more flexible work arrangements, highlighted by the Senate inquiry, underscores the importance of adapting workplace policies to support women experiencing menopause. Moreover, recognising the benefits of hiring older employees and addressing the diverse reasons employees may need flexible work arrangements enriches the workplace environment. Embracing flexibility is not just about accommodating specific needs—it's about fostering a more inclusive and productive workforce.