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Jason's Inspiring Story: Give the Gift of Life

Written by FlexCareers | 2023/05/127

The story of Jason, an Operations Support Manager at Water Corporation, is a testament to the power of flexible working and a supportive employer. After being diagnosed with a rare, chronic liver disease five years ago, Jason needed a life-changing liver transplant. A few weeks ago, he captained Australia B’s volleyball team at the 24th World Transplant Games, an event that brings together 2,500 elite and social athletes from over 60 nations to raise awareness of organ donation.

A Simple Step to Help Save Lives

For Jason, the Games aren't just about competing. They're also about inspiring people to register as organ donors and raise awareness to discuss their decision with their families. With only 36% of Australians having registered their organ donation decisions, this is an important cause that needs more attention.

“It has been really exciting to see and meet so many people from around the world who have been on the same life journey as me. It was so inspiring to hear a bit of everyone’s story and how they don't let anything stop them.”

Inclusive and Flexible Workplace Culture

Water Corporation's support was crucial for Jason during his journey from active rugby player to a 10-hour transplant surgery, and the recovery required to get him back to fighting fit. The company provided him with flexible working arrangements and the ability to visit the office to connect with colleagues during his sick leave, which provided him with great support. The flexible hours enabled Jason to train for the Games during quieter times, and he also received international sporting leave. With an inclusive and flexible workplace culture, Water Corporation knows that optimal work-life balance is different for everyone.

“When I came back to work, Water Corporation provided flexible
working arrangements to help me safely transition back into my role. Without that support and flexibility, I don’t know where I would be now.” 

Making a Difference

Jason's story is a powerful example of how a supportive employer can make a real difference in an employee's life. His journey from illness to competing at an international level is truly inspiring, and he continues to champion the cause of organ donation, encouraging everyone to register their organ donation decision and do their bit for those in need of a transplant.

“I would encourage everyone to register your organ donation decision and help give hope to people awaiting a transplant.” 

  Registering Your Organ Donation Decision

Discuss your own wishes with your nearest and dearest and visit the national register to record your organ and tissue donation decision at the Australian Organ Donor Register. If you're interested in learning more about the word wide event supporting the gift of life, and how you can support the cause, visit the World Transplant Games. 

Water Corporation offers an inclusive and flexible workplace culture, which enables employees like Jason to take part in what's important to them, while carrying out their work.