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Diversity at Work: Ventia's commitment to inclusion shines

Written by FlexCareers | 2023/12/341

Diversity and Inclusion sits at the core of our mission at here FlexCareers. We believe that flexible work practices are an integral way that our employer partners can seek and harness the skills and experiences of a diverse range of candidates.  For organisations, it's an opportunity to grow with new ideas and ways of working.

Diversity at Work

The Diversity Council of Australia have recognised that Australian employers are implementing practices that allow them to tap into the vast skills and perspectives diversity and inclusion bring to their workforces. 

To celebrate Inclusion at Work Week, the Diversity Council of Australia recognised 82 organisations for their commitment to diversity with the announcement of their Inclusion@Work Index.

The recognised organisations had their diversity and inclusion credentials well scruitinised. Employee's from each organisation completed a survey to inform the DCA about their lived experience within their workplace. The results are meaningful as they come directly from the people who are impacted by the culture of their organisation. 

The DCA says that "inclusion significantly increases performance, wellbeing and innovation. Plus, workers in inclusive teams are: 

  • three times less likely to leave their organisation
  • more than twice as likely to work extra hard
  • almost 10 times more likely to be innovative
  • four times more likely to provide excellent customer service."

Ventia Recognised as an Inclusive Employer

Our partner Ventia was proud to be included on the list for 2023-24. Group CEO Dean Banks said:

Ventia believe that the diversity of their workforce should represent the communities they are operating in and that it enables employee's to bring to the table new ideas and perspectives, harnessing the know-how of our people to get the job done.

Ventia are committed to building an inclusive workplace where everyone can feel respected, connected, and able to contribute their best at work.

Flexible Practices

Ventia recognises that flexible work practices are a vital part of this recipe for success. Flexible practices enable them to harness the unique contributions and commitments that their people make to our organisation. Flexibility is not a one size fits all solution and they are committed to finding the solution for each employee that helps support their commitment and goals. 

One employee that benefits from this supportive approach is Bruce Holmes who works in Ventia’s Whole of Government cleaning contract and is responsible for facilities including the SES facility at Tighes Hill in Newcastle, as well as the local fire station. 

With the support of Social Inclusion Manager Dan Osgood, Bruce joined Ventia earlier this year. Dan was able to find Bruce a role that would allow him to work around his therapeutic requirements as he manages his mental health. 

“Bruce needs to attend a therapy group once a week, so it was crucial that we created a schedule for him that enabled him to work around that session... It’s about a holistic approach to Bruce’s care. If he’s happy and healthy, then he’s doing a great job and everyone wins.”

Congratulations to Ventia for their recognition, but mostly thank you for all the work you are doing to make sure that your workplace is safe and inclusive space for everyone.