FlexCareers Resources

Joining Deloitte’s Return To Work program

Written by Employer Partners | 2020/03/61

Meet Libby Low, Return To Work Program, 2017

“Almost three years later, I am still at Deloitte and am so happy I took that first step and put my application in; I’m so grateful for the experiences I have had.”

Libby Low, Global Account Manager, Return To Work Program 2017.

Where were you before you joined Return To Work?   

I had five years away from my professional life to care for my first child who was born with a disability.  When I started looking for work, I had completely lost my professional confidence. On the one hand, I was so much stronger after the experiences I’d had during my time away, but I was emotionally depleted and really, very lost. I needed an employer who would be supportive, flexible and where I could be myself. And I wanted a professional role. I didn’t think such a thing existed, so my expectations were low. I had only just started looking when a friend told me about the Return To Work Program. I read about it that evening and couldn’t believe how perfect it sounded. I never imagined I would be successful; it has been life changing.

What was your experience like during the program?  

Having never worked in professional services, everything was unfamiliar when I started. Fortunately, I was given the time to meet and talk with a variety of colleagues and build my internal network for the first few weeks of the program. During this transition, I worked mainly on pursuits, allowing me to learn more about the industry and the role. After that, I was placed on a client project working on a digital transformation. It was a challenging transition, but I had an internal coach, an external coach and a counselling partner, all who were very supportive and offered guidance along the way.

To summarize my experience of the Return To Work Program – it was challenging but it was incredibly rewarding and validating to get to the end of the 20 weeks, be offered a permanent role and get to work with a supportive and high performing team.

Where are you now?   

I am a Global Account Manager within our Marketing, Communications & Business Development (MCBD) team for one of Deloitte’s key clients. As my client’s Global Account Manager, I help set the account strategy working with account teams from all over the globe and I focus on bringing the best of the global firm to my client. I work with partners from across the business and enjoy learning how to best support each of them. My days are varied, busy and interesting. There is always something to learn!

I feel part of various communities at Deloitte which is nice – my client team, my account management cohort, the broader MCBD team and my original RTW cohort; there were just six of us who started together in Sydney and we catch up regularly.  I have a network of friends and colleagues at Deloitte and I feel at home at here. I feel lucky that I have a rewarding job working with smart, interesting people.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to someone considering the Return To Work Program?

Apply – just do it. Consider your responses and put forward an honest and positive representation of yourself and your experience and why you think you would be a good cultural fit at Deloitte. I never imagined that I would be successful in my application, I really didn’t. But here I am, three years later and so happy that I took that first step and put my application in and that I’ve been able to have the experiences that I’ve had. I have learnt so much and developed so much and have met lots of great people along the way.

Where to next?   

I have had lots of change over the past few years so for now, I am happy where I am.  In the longer term, I am starting to realise a new professional interest; the ability of big businesses to drive societal change, particularly social and environmental, so I will start to learn more about that as I consider how I’d like my career to progress.

Find out more about the Return To Work Program – applications close 15th of March!

This article was originally published by Deloitte.
