FlexCareers CEO Natalie Goldman said, “It’s wonderful to see the RBA being innovative in how they design and deploy greater flexibility within the organisation. Already offering flexibility to employees, the RBA has thought carefully about how they can attract talented people that might need something a little different, and this people-centric approach clearly demonstrates that the RBA understand that flexibility is not a one-size fits all solution, and that they are keen to make it work at all levels of the organisation.”

The RBA understand that your life is much more than your job. It is possible to have a fulfilling career and pursue your passions outside of work – whatever they might be. The MOVE Careers Program is designed around the philosophy that only you are best placed to know what type of flexibility you need to achieve your full potential. Aimed at experienced professionals, MOVE is an opportunity to move your career forward and achieve the professional development that you’re capable of (and deserve!), all on flexible terms.
“The MOVE program recognises that people have unique needs, commitments and responsibilities, and that these may change over time.” Ms Goldman continues, “The program is well suited to a parent returning to work, someone that has responsibilities for ageing relatives, or needs time to rehabilitate from injury or illness. It’s also a great opportunity for anyone looking to achieve more balance it their lives, or perhaps as an alternative to full retirement – not everyone approaching retirement is looking to slow down, some might appreciate a healthier work life balance.”
So what is MOVE?
Managerial roles (or approaching management)
Variable and flexible
So how does it work? The RBA is looking for a diverse range of candidates with the skills and experience important to their organisation, and they’ll ask those people what flexibility they need to be successful. Each MOVER’s role will be tailored to ensure that their flexibility requirements are met, and that they are involved with meaningful work that will support their continued professional development. And to ensure success? Each MOVER will follow an individually designed 12 month development plan, to make sure that they get the most out of the program.
FlexCareers Head of Marketing, Kate Beattie said, “FlexCareers has been involved in a wide range of programs designed to allow experienced professionals that otherwise face barriers to pursuing a career, fully participate in the workforce. The RBA wanted to be really inclusive in offering a broad range of people an opportunity to join the RBA, with an individually tailored program. We are really excited to be involved, and look forward to seeing some of our community on the program, and being able to share their journey.”
The RBA’s program really is a bit special. It is not an internship, or traditional return-to-work offering. It’s aim is to provide meaningful long-term employment at an appropriate skill level and an appropriate salary, to a diverse range of people. Coupled with ongoing development support, and, did we mention, flexibility is tailored?!
You can find out more about the MOVE program on the RBA employer page here, and you can apply to the program here. If you take the plunge, we’d love to follow your journey – let us know how you get on!!