Career Tips

4 signs telling you need a career coach

Before I started this job I didn't really have a clear understanding of what a career coach did. And now that I do, guest author Betsy Shepard Reed shares these 4 questions to help you decide if you need one.


So often we get caught up in the questions of ‘Should I? or Shouldn’t I?’ or ‘Will it help?’.

When it comes to career coaching, there are a number of questions to ask yourself. Answering ‘yes’ to any of them probably indicates that working with a career coach will add value to you and your career path. Here are my top 4 questions:

Do I spend time in my current job thinking “I’d like to do something different?”

It can all be a bit overwhelming sometimes. We’re balancing work, family and outside commitments. Turning up to a job that is unfulfilling can be soul destroying. The tyranny of time sometimes keeps us bolted to our current circumstances if we can’t see a way forward to create change. Working with a career coach doesn’t mean being talked into actions, it means uncovering options, setting achievable goals, and moving forward at a sustainable pace.

Am I asking myself “What do I want to be when I grow up?”

You’d be surprised how common it is to hear this from people in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond! Whether currently in paid employment or not, many people experience the pull between what they prepared for, what’s expected, what’s easy, what pays the bills and what they enjoy. A career coach can help you gain insight into your skills, workplace values and aptitudes, which can lead to new options and opportunities.

Do I consistently miss out on being offered an interview?

The first thing that most hiring managers see is your résumé. If your documents aren’t getting you noticed, it’s time to get a professional to have a look and make suggestions. A good résumé writer will speak with you about yourself and the role/s you want. They will help you to match your résumé, LinkedIn profile, cover letter and selection criteria for the role/s you want. They will also talk to you about your social media presence, and whether it is helping or hindering your search.

Do I get as far as the interview, but miss out on an offer?

Over the years, I have worked with some amazing clients who were absolutely fabulous at their jobs. Working with them during restructures or on career advancement, highlighted the fact that not everyone, who has what an employer wants and needs, knows how to interview well and to prove it. If you’ve ever caught yourself rambling, oversharing, going blank or giving only broad umbrella statements affirming your fit for the role, then consider working with a career coach. A bit of support preparing for the all-important interview can make all the difference to both your confidence and performance.

About Betsy

Betsy Shepard Reed - FlexCareersBetsy’s passion is helping people to put their best foot forward. With 20+ years of experience in Learning and Development across communication skills, management skills, leadership, recruitment, customer service and sales, her focus now incorporates Organisational Capability, Career Development and Education. As an industry professional, she facilitates professional growth, helping people to develop excellence in interpersonal skills through developing systems, coaching and training. As a Career Coach, she helps clients learn how to prepare and market themselves for their next career step.

Specialty Areas: Learning and Development, Organisational Capability, Coaching, Training, Vocational Assessment, Job Search Coaching, Résumé Development – Certified Advanced Résumé Writer, LinkedIn Profile Development, Selection Criteria Coaching, Job Application and Interview Coaching


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