FlexCareers Resources

Confidence is a Game Changer

Written by Caroline McGuire | 2017/11/314

Confidence is a game changer, how do you maintain confidence while job seeking?

Job seeking can be a tough process – whether you are currently employed or ‘between opportunities’. One of the first things to take a hit when your search is unsuccessful is your confidence.

Constant knockbacks and roadblocks can erode self-esteem and leave us questioning our own capability. I often see this in my coaching clients. Regardless of how resilient we are, confidence can still be dented through the process of job hunting your next great role.

Where to start?

A great place to start is focusing on gratitude. Practising gratitude has wonderful benefits on our mindset and our brain in general. Focusing on what is actually great about where we are at in the moment is helpful. To stay the course over time you’ll need to focus on gratitude to build resilience.

Many a time I find the loss of confidence tends to skewer a jobseeker’s perspective.  They can tend to downplay their experience, question their competence and even second-guess their likeability. Imposter syndrome raises its ugly head and there is a general feeling of not being ‘enough’.

The Next Steps

Reflection. In addition to gratitude practices, it can be useful to reflect on past achievements of which you are most proud. Focus on what you do well and remember the positive feedback you’ve received in the past.

Mentoring and instructing others can be another good way to rebuild your confidence. Not only do you get the benefit of helping someone else, but you might be surprised at the value you offer through your knowledge and experience. Reflecting on these interactions can reinforce the sense of accomplishment.

‘Think outside the square’. Why not try a new skill?, Or undertake a challenge?, Or join a team that’s not related to your professional life? Building confidence through experiences in other areas of your life can help to raise your confidence more generally.

It can also help you gain perspective and allow ‘time out’ from always being in job searching mode, which can be exhausting. Hang around people who are positive and fun!

Growth Mindset

Another great tip is to work on developing a growth mindset. Carol Dweck’s defining work on this subject makes great reading or watching if you are more into Ted talks.

Do you believe your success is based on hard work, learning, training and doggedness? Or is it ability fixed and immovable? You may not have achieved your dream role – yet. You may not have the skills or experience to apply for the position you want – but you can get them. Appreciate you can grow and change and that you are on a continuous journey towards the best version of you.


So, aim to:

  • Practice gratitude to build resilience,
  • Reflect on past achievements and positive feedback,
  • Mentor others to rebuild confidence,
  • Take part in learning and team activities outside your professional bubble, and
  • Focus on developing a growth mindset.

Remember FlexCareers offers a free 30-minute introductory meeting with our FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you.

About Caroline McGuire

FlexCoach Caroline McGuire is a qualified human resources specialist and coach, and founder of Clariti Consulting.

With a broad background across industries and organisations, Caroline is able to help individuals seeking clarity in their personal and/or professional life, and provide specific support to emerging and existing leaders aiming to improve self-awareness, communication and leadership skills.  You can connect with Caroline and browse coaching services available through FlexCareers here.
