I was reading an old management textbook from 2007 with a very impressive graph, in the ‘communicating effectively’ chapter, showing research that physical distance has a great impact on levels of communication between team members.
The graph showed that if team members are seated 10 metres apart they have a 30% chance of communicating at least once a week. This probability dwindles to a mere 5% when people are seated more than 20 metres apart and falls to virtually nothing when seated at a distance of 60 metres or more apart.
This research flies in the face of workplace flexibility today with people now working across different hours, locations and time zones.
So how can we ensure teams stay connected, productive and engaged?
Traditional ways of communicating such as gathering the whole team together in a meeting room for the weekly team meeting may not work any more.
We need to get a little more creative in the way we communicate without the need for traditional ways of working where we all sit next to each other all day, every day, like we did nine years ago when this textbook was written.
Here are a few things that I’ve found work well:
What other ways of communicating with team members working flexibly have worked for you?
About Kathy
Kathy has since worked with a range of organisations, helping them progress their diversity and inclusion goals.