There has been much talk about the benefits of simplification and we’re all familiar with the saying ‘less is more’.
‘Less’ helps to create space in your life. Space allows for more time to do the things you want to do. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to slow down, be in the moment and appreciate the world you live in and everything in it.
Some time ago, I participated in a coaching workshop that had a considerable impact on how I live my life. The focus of the workshop was on simplification. During the session, I was confronted by the amount of time and energy I spent on tasks that complicated my life. It didn’t take long to realise that ‘less’ would give me ‘more’ – much more.
By practicing simplification (and I still do today, especially through outsourcing), my world feels less chaotic, more relevant and I am able to be truly present for the things that matter most.
The process too, is ‘simple’.
Try the below activity to own your future through simplification and realise the many benefits that ‘less’ will bring.
ACTIVITY: You will need two pieces of butcher paper.
In the middle of the first sheet, write the following question; What would you like to simply?
In the middle of the second sheet, write this question; How will you simplify your life?
Spend time reflecting on what is really important to you and what is currently holding you back from living the life you want to live. Thenmap
your own personal responses for each question. Try to let thoughts flow freely.
I kept the outputs from the workshop I attended as a critical reminder of what and how to simplify my life (see attached). I review it every six months to
ensure that I am still on track.

Simplification involves letting go of life’s complications and learning to appreciate what’s in front of us at any particular moment. If you would like support simplifying your life, connect with me by viewing my profile.
About Elly

Elly Stone is a founding FlexCoach and is passionate about supporting women in business and helping families transition into parenthood. She specialises in life and business coaching, career management and transitions.
FlexCareers offers a free 30-minute introductory meeting with our FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you. You can contact Elly through FlexCoach here.
Simplification involves letting go of life’s complications and learning to appreciate what’s in front of us at any particular moment. If you would like support simplifying your life, connect with me by viewing my profile.