
The Balancing Act: Work Life, Family Life

To find balance, it takes consideration, identification of purpose, and knowing who you are, to find it.

Truth is, there is no “better”. No one-size-fits-all. There is only the individual journey. And the sooner society embraces the notion that what’s right for one person is not necessarily right for another, the sooner we can all find balance! There are no rules, nor should there be.

The bottom line – call it what you will but everyone has one and you need to discover it to find your balance. What can you put up with? What can you sacrifice to achieve your goals? What can you act upon to live how you want? Financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically?

The Lifestyle Cliché

To use another cliché, in the nutshell, what kind of lifestyle do you want? Are you living to your fullest capacity? What are your goals? What are you willing to do to chase them? Satisfaction with where you are, is reflective on the choices you make/have made and the peace you’ve made with those choices. The answer will differ for each of you, depending on what stage of life you’re at.

The point is, if you’re not happy with where you are, have you considered the alternatives? Have you researched financial ideas and advice? Career choices? What would it take for you to find financial freedom, creative happiness, your perfect lifestyle?  You’ll soon work out what matters most to you and where you most want to put your energies. If you are looking for a more balanced lifestyle between work, family, and play, perhaps the following recent study will entice you.

Worldly Comparisons

According to the World Economic Forum, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands are among the top most prosperous and competitive countries in the world, yet their workforce does less working hours than most other countries. Studies are currently trialling why that is and the benefits of working less hours overall, but a recent study by Keio University in Japan found people aged over 40, who worked around 25 hrs a week, were smarter than their overworked colleagues. “Part-time work … is the perfect balance between brain stimulation and stress.” So perhaps it’s also wise to further research if more really is more!

Love the Live You Live

Having said that, if you love what you do, then you may be one of those lucky enough to feel energised working long hours by pouring heart and soul into either a micro, small or medium enterprise.

There’s a magnitude of hardworking owners currently in Australia, who have produced successful, financially healthy businesses, despite the odds of businesses failing within the first 5 years and are satisfied with their choices. It’s not an easy path but the rewards can be outstanding.

Making Choices

If you want to add children to the equation, then it may seriously be worth contemplating running a micro or small businesses, especially if they’re home-based, because they can offer an ideal lifestyle/work balance. Around 1 million businesses in Australia, according to the Government, are now home-based businesses. Many home offices/services require very little outlay to get up and running quickly, particularly if they are online based. If you have a larger idea brewing, don’t rule out help from a financial institution or backer.

As always, horses for courses and match the finance term to the need. Either way, it pays to do plenty of research first to see how it sits with your personal lifestyle requirements.

A Family of Three

One of the most difficult paths to juggle is that of corporate/career woman and motherhood. Millions of women across Australia have spoken at length about the trials of being both. While some are born organisers and delegators – and appear to have everything – others have been known to cry at night racked with guilt for having to leave their kids for long hours in (expensive) daycares.

While a handful of companies are currently attempting to cater for mums desperate to get back into the workforce and make their careers count, providing for motherhood is not always up there on big business agendas. Look for companies/organisations who uphold equality and have good maternity/motherhood contingency, get-back-to-work plans.

Returning to the bottom line. The choice is yours. Only you can know what’s best for you. Think about your priorities before you leap in either direction – motherhood verses career; home-based business verses corporate; monetary “things” (house, car) verses time spent with loved ones.

Every soul aches for something, so make sure you know what your heart and soul believes in, and is passionate about, before deciding on the best solution for you.  And remember, finding balance takes consideration, identification of purpose, and knowing who you are.


About the Author

Kay Gibbons writes for Authorflair, in the past, she has owned two galleries, a manuscript assessment agency (LYNK), a gift shop in Torquay and a wellbeing centre (Ohsokay). On top of that she has managed several businesses including a B&B in Mallacoota, Victoria. She knows about micro-businesses and startups!


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