FlexCareers Resources

FlexConnect Event: Be the change you seek in the world and redefine your future

Written by FlexCareers | 2015/11/323

Date: 7 December 2015

Location: Macquarie Group, 50 Martin Place, Sydney CBD

Time: 10:30am – 12:30am

Cost: $25 for FlexCareers community members and $35 for non-members.

**Proceeds will be donated to White Ribbon in support of the elimination of violence against women**

Book your ticket today.

Be the change you seek in the world and redefine your future

Having a family and having a career is a challenging yet rewarding gig. Last week as we listened to our community in our series of Focus Groups, Nikki Hobin, FlexCareers CEO’s, was gutted to hear how talented and accomplished women believed they needed to take several steps back in their career just because they wanted to combine career and family. “I find it extremely difficult to listen to women settling for less. Having a family should not be a career limiting move! We need to change this perception and it’s up to each one of us better communicate our value to employers and take charge of our careers, as well as the self-talk in our heads”.

With our vision to change the way careers work, FlexCareers have created a series of workshops to help set women up for sustained success in their careers. Each session is a stand alone 2 hour interactive workshop packed with practical tips to help talented women create their own version of success. Nikki explains, “The sessions are structured to give each person the tips, tools and confidence to build their approach to creating the career they wish to have. Acknowledging that our powers of persuasion and how we market ourselves as potential candidates are critical success factors, these are the elements that our first session focuses on. They are equally applicable to women working who need to make changes to their current circumstances as to those on a career break”.

With White Ribbon Day just around the corner, the proceeds of this event will be donated to this worthy cause to help eliminate violence against women.

Nikki is driven by the desire to see women flourish in the workplace and realise their full potential. Join her and some like-minded women for a workshop that could be the catalyst to your future success.  Book your spot today . For more information email markerting@flexcareers.com.au
